Thursday, October 7, 2010

Us vs. Them ... Us and Them

Conflicts can lead to conclusions of death and instability in a place. Some say the death of a person or persons is a solution to a problem and I think that that is inhumane way of solving a problem. Conflicts often arise from economic, political, and religion issues because not everyone can agree and have similar ideas about them. People always have different thoughts about these things.

An example of a economic issue was between the colonists of North America and the British of England. Back then England passed many laws telling the colonists who they can and can't trade with. They told the colonists that they must export all of their raw materials such as cotton to only England. If they wanted to trade with other countries they must pay a tax in order to export things to other countries. So, as a result some colonists smuggled  exports and imports into the colonies. The British wanted them to only trade with the British so they can take the cotton to England, there they can process it into things such as cloth which they sell back to the colonies. And the British makes lots of money this way and they use the money to build up a stronger army so that they can go and take/claim more lands so that they can have more markets to sell their goods and make more money. The colonists soon thought why not just process the cotton here in the colonies and then sell them and keep the profit for themselves,  but the British didn't want this. Soon after the French and Indian War, England have lots of debt to pay because of all the money they spent on the war. So they decided to tax the colonists in order to make money, but the colonists didn't want to pay these taxes and soon they decided to rebel since King George III issued more taxes and he wouldn't listen to their demand of allowing the colonists to have a voice in the British government. As a result this led to the American Revolution, which the colonists won and gain their independence.
American Revolution Battle                    
An example of a political issue is the difference between the Democratic and Republican parties in the United States. There are many issues they face each day and each party have different solutions to them. Soon issues can led to a fight such as the events that led up to the Civil War. The Republicans of the North were against slavery while the Democratic South supported slavery.
Republican And Democratic Symbols                                         

Lastly, there's religion another cause of conflict. Throughout history many religions developed each having different ideas than the others while some have similar ideas which some differences. There have been many conflicts throughout history because of religion. Such as the Crusades where the Catholic Church sponsored campaigns to take the city of Jerusalem from the Muslims, who had taken  over the city.
Comment below and tell me what you think.

1 comment:

  1. Well that was a broad way of looking at these conflicts of Us vs. Them but I just have a question to ask you regarding a statement in the first paragraph. If you think the solution to a problem isn't the death of a person or persons, then what is the solution? In certain situations, if the leaders were taken out, then it just makes their organization more vulnerable to extermination. Although that might bring about more conflicts later on, it solve the urging conflicts at that present moment. If one side manage to utterly wipe out the evidence of the existence of their enemy and exterminate all their followers, then the conflict will be as good as solved. A different way to look at these conflicts is that without drastic changes like the revolutionary war, how would've America gained its independence from Britain? Sometimes great strive brings about glorious changes that's voided in a period of peace. Please feel free to respond to my blog about this comment if you want to.
