Saturday, February 19, 2011

Propaganda Today

Definition from
Propaganda- information, ideas, or rumors deliberately spread widely to help or harm a person, group, movement, institution, nation, etc.
One example of propaganda is in Nazi Germany. Hitler used propaganda to brainwashed the people of Germany. He made them believe that the Jews were evil people and blamed them for the reason that Germany lost in World War I. He made the people of Germany believed that their race were superior to all other races.  The most known symbol Adolph Hitler used for propaganda was the swastika; which actually mean "peace". He used this symbol to brainwashed the soldiers.

So where does propaganda exist today? Propaganda exists mostly in magazines, ads, commercials, and radio stations. The Democrats would always say bad things about the Republicans and the Republicans would do the same things to earn votes. Commercials for fast food always depicts the food as delicious, which they are (sometimes), but they never tell about the harmful things in or how the food was made. Commercials for different products would compare their products with another product and show how their products are better.

Sometimes the things that propaganda say are true, but most of the time they are wrong. So you should not believe everything that you hear or see.

1 comment:

  1. Hi David. At the end of your post, you said that people should not believe everything that they hear or see but then what should they believe in? This world is full of lies and people constructing the lies so how can people decide if the other person is telling the truth or just trying to persuade their "victim" to do something? Maybe it is very hard to differentiate between the facts and lies but I would want to see how you think about this issue.
