Thursday, September 9, 2010


Hi. Let me introduce myself first, I'm David Zhen. I'm a sophomore.

Over the summer I did a few things. Some of the things I did was go bike riding, but on some days i just stay home and go on the computer or just watch television. Every weekend during the summer I would always go to my parent's family owned restaurant and help out there from the time they're open to when they close at night. Some of the work I do there involve cutting/washing vegetables, washing the dishes (but I take turn with my cousin to do that), answer the phone and that the costumers orders, and package the food. If I'm doing nothing at the restaurant, I'll normally just be sitting around. Everyday at the end of the day my parents would pay me. Also over the summer I taught my little brother the multiplication table and some division.  Overall I think I had a good summer and is glad to be finally back at Whitney Young learning again. 

Last year during my freshmen year the only club that I joined was the Garden Club, where we got to plant some plants n seeds and then we took care of them throughout the year. I was one of the person from the group of people who helped build the greenhouse which is outside next to the Physical Education and Academic Buildings. Also during the Taste of Whitney last year I helped to sell plants and food to help get money for the Garden Club.

Things like to do are browse the internet or play game on the internet. I always like to read a good book once in awhile. I like to help my parents at their restaurant so they have less stress. I also like to solve the rubix cube. i learned how to solve it in the summer 2008. These are just some of the things I like to do,

Sometimes when I do my homework I get distracted and procrastinate.
In my house I have my mom,dad, and little brother. We live in a two floor house, with a main floor and the basement.
We have a ping pong table in the basement which i sometimes use to play with with my cousin and little brother.

We'll heres a introduction about myself.


  1. Hey David. This is Yi Dong. I just read your post and I thought I got to know you a little more than what I've already known. Even though we've only been friends for one year, I consider you as one of my closest friends and I was so glad that you're of my classmates in this class. Besides from that, I don't know what else to say than work hard and good luck during the school year.

  2. I hope you learned how to cook in the past 3 months while working in a restaurant.
