Thursday, November 4, 2010

Modern Slavery

Even through the slave trade was banned from Africa in the 1880's, force labor is still being practiced in West and Central Africa today. There's still according to Anti-Slavery International (the world's oldest human rights organization) that there are over 20 million people in bondage. Modern day slaves differ from bonded laborers (people who owe debts to their masters. Example, back then there were indentured servants, who have to work for someone in the New World because that person payed for their trip to the New World. They usually serve for about six years then they're allow to leave.) because  modern day slaves are held in physical bondage (shackled, held at gunpoint, etc.)
The Arabs actually consider it a traditional right to enslave Southern Sudan, and to own chattel slaves (slaves own as personal property). They sell the slaves for as little as $15 per person. In my opinion, this is a shocking and cruel custom that should have been gone long ago.
In India, children are held as "carpet slaves". They were captured from their village and forced to weave on looms for food. The food only consists of a few bread balls,onions, and salt. They are forced to work ten to fourteen hours a day.
There are people in Pakistan who are shackled to leg irons and then force to harvest canes.
In the Dominican Republic, they need lots of people to harvest canes. Some people voluntarily work in the fields, but if there's not enough people, they send out their army to capture people and force them to work at gunpoint and they'll be beaten if they try to escape.
I'm not that surprise that there are still modern slaves because it's human's nature to be greedy and some people would do anything to be more wealthy. What I'm surprise about is that there are still so many people in different places being held as slaves.


1 comment:

  1. Well um David, your last paragraph seems to mean the same thing which is contradicting. If you said it's human nature to be greedy but you're surprised there there are still so many slaves in the world, then you're basically implying that there are people in places that's not greedy. If not for greed or the want to advance society which still counts as a type of greed, then how would society advance. If I'm a slave right now, I probably wouldn't have that thought but it's just that free people like us that can advance society that would think in order for something to be gained, something had to be sacrificed. It has always been that way and if mankind can't find a solution to this problem, then you just hope you're not "lucky" enough to be borne a slave. You realize the last sentence was sarcastic but true in a way right?
